A total number of 34 kids along with 6 staff joined the outing out of 50 requested participants. Ate Pie and Ate Malen, Project Coordinator (PC) of Caress Home and Social Worker of Ella Yallah Home respectively, said that the 16 kids were not able to come because of some reasons, one of which was the bad records committed at home even though they always attend MLC.
Anyhow, the children and staff were so excited that they even paraded under the heat of the afternoon sun in going to the jeeps terminal. Kuya Jeremie, the Center Coordinator of MLC, being the “majorette” led the vigorous kids jovially. Two jeepneys boarded the outers until Taft Avenue and had another 3-5 minutes “walk-a-thon” up to the main location. The team rented swimming gears for the children who were screened out of not having the accepted swimming attire.
The youngsters took their first shower before running to the swimming area where they drenched themselves. Mama Alma of Gabay Buhay Home (GBH) and Ate Malen joyfully served as watcher to the younger kids who delightfully played and splashed water to one another while Ate Pie acted as life-guard to the older children who gleefully jumped and dived at the other pool. On the other hand, Kuya Jeremie assisted some small kids and played as the Baywatch man as he taught them how to swim.
The writer had seen the happy faces of the children as they swam to and fro like fishes in the sea. It seemed like forever but just like in a movie, it had to end as well. At around 4 o’clock, the children took last quick shower, returned the gears and proceeded home.
There’s no denying that the children really relished themselves to this outing. Each of them has their own stories to share unaware of the stimuli which encourage the others to sail through in all the activities and behave satisfactorily at home. Guess this might be a challenge for them to do their best for next month.
Kudos to all those who partook! Good luck on the next level of the coming spree. See yah! ☺