Marikina River Bank Outing
The MLC outing was held at Marikina River Bank last November 9, 2007.
30 children who successfully attended their activities in the centre must have joined this said outing but some of them were not able to come. Some of them were reprimanded by their houseparents or staff in the homes because of misbehaviours.
Anyhow, the 19 children who were able to come enjoyed walking and running around the cemented pathways. Most of them appreciated the janitor fish leaping from the water, (the water was dirty since it rained the other day), and would even like to catch them. The guard often called their attention because it was forbidden. Some played ball games where the carabao sculptures (made out of stone) were located. The children were on top of those carabaos while passing the ball to one another. Some were playing football on the ground using the ball of the basketball and tossing and catching the smaller balls on the half cemented and half grassy part of the football field. The ball was thrown into the river so the facilitators needed to run through the river banks just to follow where the ball was going while shouting for some help from the man on the boat.
I thought the coordinator would dive into the water as he was about to do it. My gosh...The water was dirty and it was muddy. Just imagine a person who would dive into it then found himself planted on the mud. It was almost like a rice field.
At around 2:00, the children were tired and decided to go home and take a rest. It was 3:00 when we reached Yague Street.
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