Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The Issue Solving System

Purpose: to solve issues about the centre

Following is the example given to the team.

  1. Issue Number :1
  2. Issue Description: the train is late
  3. Reason(s) Why?: engine is too weak
  4. Suggested Solution: buy a new tractor
  5. Issue Priority (program manager): (disagreed) too expensive, proposed to put less load in the train.
  6. Action Plan (split solutions into several actions)(Program Manager): inform supervisor of new limits
  7. Deadline: May 20
  8. Action's Owner: from mars
Might be wondering what is this all about.. It was a proposal created by none other than the initiator of the said problem. There was no issue actually only if he did not bring his own problem from planet mars. He thought doing all those small problems would not affect the group. He did not realize problems may come in what he considered as "small things". Generally speaking, it was his professionalism being questioned and to be solved in here. He was upset when the group did their best to let him understand simple basic rules to the extent of waving his educational attainment due to his inflated ego . Problems worsened so the group sought the advise of the "experts", thus the above proposal was created. Har har har...Anyway, what happened was that he did not admit his unprofessional ism. Well, it was a mission impossible for him and to us working with an impossible person.

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